diff --git a/docs/as-module.rst b/docs/as-module.rst
index 4a0d820..ebf8049 100644
--- a/docs/as-module.rst
+++ b/docs/as-module.rst
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Python Module :mod:`instaloader`
 .. highlight:: python
 Instaloader exposes its internally used methods and structures as a Python
-module, making it a **powerful and intuitive Python API for Instagram**,
+module, making it a powerful and intuitive Python API for Instagram,
 allowing to further customize obtaining media and metadata.
 Start with getting an instance of :class:`Instaloader`::
@@ -82,20 +82,20 @@ metadata of a Profile. :class:`Profile` instances can be created with:
 - :meth:`Profile.get_followers`
    Profiles that follow given user.
-- :attr:`Post.owner_profile`, :attr:`Story.owner_profile` and :attr:`StoryItem.owner_profile`
+- :attr:`Post.owner_profile`, :attr:`Story.owner_profile`, :attr:`StoryItem.owner_profile`
    Owner profile of particular object.
 - :meth:`Post.get_likes`
    Profiles that liked a given :class:`Post`
-- :attr:`PostComment.owner` attribute for comment in :meth:`Post.get_comments`
+- :attr:`PostComment.owner`
    Profile of a Post comment.
-For a list of real code examples using the Instaloader module for advanced
-tasks, see :ref:`codesnippets`.
+For a list of a few code examples that use the Instaloader module, see
-The reference of the many classes provided by the :mod:`instaloader` module is
-divided into the following subsections.
+The reference of the classes and functions provided by the :mod:`instaloader` module is
+divided into the following subsections:
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
diff --git a/docs/basic-usage.rst b/docs/basic-usage.rst
index ce72400..bec5af8 100644
--- a/docs/basic-usage.rst
+++ b/docs/basic-usage.rst
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Instaloader supports the following targets:
       instructs Instaloader to also **download the user's stories**,
    - :option:`--highlights`
-      to **download highlights of each profile that is downloaded**,
+      to **download the highlights of that profile**,
    - :option:`--tagged`
       to **download posts where the user is tagged**, and
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Instaloader supports the following targets:
       to **download IGTV videos**.
 - ``"#hashtag"``
-   Posts with a certain **hashtag** (the quotes are usually necessary),
+   Posts with a certain **hashtag** (the quotes are usually necessary).
 - ``%location id``
    Posts tagged with a given location; the location ID is the numerical ID
@@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ Instaloader supports the following targets:
 - ``:stories``
    The currently-visible **stories** of your followees (requires
-   :option:`--login`),
+   :option:`--login`).
 - ``:feed``
-   Your **feed** (requires :option:`--login`),
+   Your **feed** (requires :option:`--login`).
 - ``:saved``
-   Posts which are marked as **saved** (requires :option:`--login`),
+   Posts which are marked as **saved** (requires :option:`--login`).
 - ``@profile``
    All profiles that are followed by ``profile``, i.e. the *followees* of
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ Filter Posts
 .. py:currentmodule:: instaloader
 The options :option:`--post-filter` and :option:`--storyitem-filter`
-allows to specify criteria that posts or story items have to
+allow to specify criteria that posts or story items have to
 meet to be downloaded. If not given, all posts are downloaded.
 The filter string must be a
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ Id est, the following attributes can be used with both
 :option:`--post-filter` and :option:`--storyitem-filter`:
 - :attr:`~Post.owner_username` (str), :attr:`~Post.owner_id` (int)
-   Owner profile username / userid.
+   Owner profile username / user ID.
 - :attr:`~Post.date_utc` (datetime), :attr:`~Post.date_local` (datetime)
    Creation timestamp. Since :class:`~datetime.datetime` objects can be created
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ Id est, the following attributes can be used with both
       instaloader --post-filter="date_utc <= datetime(2018, 5, 31)" target
 - :attr:`~Post.is_video` (bool)
-   Post/StoryItem is a video. For example, you may skip videos::
+   Whether Post/StoryItem is a video. For example, you may skip videos::
       instaloader --post-filter="not is_video" target
@@ -234,8 +234,8 @@ As :option:`--post-filter`, the following attributes can be used additionally:
       instaloader --login=your_username --post-filter=viewer_has_liked :feed
 - :attr:`~Post.likes` (int), :attr:`~Post.comments` (int)
-   Likes count / Comments count. You might only want to download posts that
-   either you liked or were liked by many others**::
+   Likes count / comments count. You might only want to download posts that
+   were either liked by yourself or by many others::
       instaloader --login=your_username --post-filter="likes>100 or viewer_has_liked" profile
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ along with each post where the Post's caption is saved.
 You can customize what metadata to save for each Post or StoryItem with
 :option:`--post-metadata-txt` and :option:`--storyitem-metadata-txt`. The
 default is ``--post-metadata-txt={caption}`` and no storyitem metadata txt.
-These strings are formatted similar as in the :ref:`filename-specification` and
+These strings are formatted similar as the path patterns described in :ref:`filename-specification` and
 the result is saved in text files, unless it is empty.
 Specifying these options multiple times results in output having multiple lines,
@@ -299,10 +299,10 @@ Instaloader logged-in, create a session file::
    instaloader --login=your_username
-Then use the same parameter in your cronjob to load the session and download
+Then use the same username in your cronjob to load the session and download
 the given targets::
-   instaloader --login=your_username --quiet <target> [...]
+   instaloader --login=your_username --quiet target [...]
 Instaloader saves the session file to
 ``~/.config/instaloader/session-YOUR-USERNAME``. See
@@ -317,5 +317,6 @@ Instaloader exposes its internally used methods and structures, making it a
 powerful and intuitive Python API for Instagram, allowing to further customize
 obtaining media and metadata.
-Also see :ref:`codesnippets`, where we collect example scripts that use
-Instaloader to achieve more complex tasks.
+Also see :ref:`codesnippets`, where we collect a few example scripts that use
+Instaloader for simple tasks that cannot be done with the command line
diff --git a/docs/cli-options.rst b/docs/cli-options.rst
index 1aaaf9c..c656142 100644
--- a/docs/cli-options.rst
+++ b/docs/cli-options.rst
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ What to Download of each Post
 .. option:: --geotags, -G
-   **Download geotags** when available. Geotags are stored as a text file with
+   Download geotags when available. Geotags are stored as a text file with
    the location's name and a Google Maps link. This requires an additional
    request to the Instagram server for each picture. Requires :option:`--login`.
@@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ What to Download of each Profile
 .. option:: --stories, -s
-   Also **download stories** of each profile that is downloaded. Requires
+   Also download stories of each profile that is downloaded. Requires
 .. option:: --highlights
-   Also **download highlights** of each profile that is downloaded. Requires
+   Also download highlights of each profile that is downloaded. Requires
    .. versionadded:: 4.1
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ Which Posts to Download
 Login (Download Private Profiles)
-Instaloader can **login to Instagram**. This allows downloading private
+Instaloader can login to Instagram. This allows downloading private
 profiles. To login, pass the :option:`--login` option. Your session cookie (not your
 password!) will be saved to a local file to be reused next time you want
 Instaloader to login.
@@ -261,12 +261,12 @@ Miscellaneous Options
       Text file should separate arguments with line breaks.
-      args.txt example::
+   args.txt example::
-         --login=MYUSERNAME
-         --password=MYPASSWORD
-         --fast-update
-         profile1
-         profile2
+      --login=MYUSERNAME
+      --password=MYPASSWORD
+      --fast-update
+      profile1
+      profile2
    .. versionadded:: 4.1
diff --git a/docs/codesnippets.rst b/docs/codesnippets.rst
index 16d6cba..e676419 100644
--- a/docs/codesnippets.rst
+++ b/docs/codesnippets.rst
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ The code example with :func:`~itertools.dropwhile` and
 :func:`~itertools.takewhile` makes the assumption that the post iterator returns
 posts in exact chronological order.  As discussed in :issue:`666`, the following
 approach fits for an **almost chronological order**, where up to *k* older posts
-are inserted into an otherwise chronological order, such as an Hashtag feed.
+are inserted into an otherwise chronological order, such as a Hashtag feed.
 .. literalinclude:: codesnippets/666_historical_hashtag_data.py
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Likes of a Profile / Ghost Followers
 To obtain a list of your inactive followers, i.e. followers that did not like
-any of your pictures, into a file you can use this approach.
+any of your pictures, you can use this approach.
 .. literalinclude:: codesnippets/120_ghost_followers.py
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ Discussed in :issue:`56`.
 Only one Post per User
-To download only the one most recent post from each user, this snippet creates a
-:class:`set` that contains the users of which a post has already been
-downloaded. While iterating the posts, it checks whether the post's owner
-already is in the set. If not, the post is downloaded from Instagram and the
-user is added to that set.
+To download only the single most recent post per user within a hashtag feed,
+this snippet uses a :class:`set` that contains the users of whom a post has
+already been downloaded. For each post, it checks whether the post's creator is
+already contained in that set. If not, the post is downloaded from Instagram and
+the user is added to that set.
 .. literalinclude:: codesnippets/113_only_one_per_user.py
@@ -100,31 +100,6 @@ With Instaloader, it is easy to download the few most-liked pictures of a user.
 Discussed in :issue:`194`.
-Upgrade Images by Local Copies
-The following script finds local versions of images fetched by Instaloader, in
-order to upgrade the downloaded images by locally-found versions with better
-quality. It uses image hashing to identify similar images.
-`updgrade-instaloader-images.py <https://gist.github.com/pavelkryukov/15f93d19a99428a284a8bcec27e0187b>`__ (external link to GitHub Gist)
-Discussed in :issue:`46`.
-Add Captions to Images
-Instaloader does not modify the downloaded JPEG file. However, one could combine
-it with an imaging library such as Pillow or PIL to render the caption on
-Instagram pictures.  The following shows an approach.
-.. literalinclude:: codesnippets/110_pil_captions.py
-See also :attr:`Post.caption`, :attr:`Post.url`, :meth:`Post.from_shortcode`,
-Discussed in :issue:`110`.
 Metadata JSON Files
diff --git a/docs/codesnippets/110_pil_captions.py b/docs/codesnippets/110_pil_captions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c49157a..0000000
--- a/docs/codesnippets/110_pil_captions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-from io import BytesIO
-from requests import get
-from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
-from instaloader import *
-L = Instaloader()
-# Load Post instance
-post = load_structure_from_file(L.context, '2017-10-01_18-53-03_UTC.json.xz')
-# or post = Post.from_shortcode(L.context, SHORTCODE)
-# Render caption
-image = Image.open(BytesIO(get(post.url).content))
-draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
-color = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'  # black color
-draw.text((300,100), post.caption.encode('latin1', errors='ignore'), fill=color)
-# Save image
diff --git a/docs/codesnippets/120_ghost_followers.py b/docs/codesnippets/120_ghost_followers.py
index bab2076..fb0a555 100644
--- a/docs/codesnippets/120_ghost_followers.py
+++ b/docs/codesnippets/120_ghost_followers.py
@@ -2,26 +2,26 @@ import instaloader
 L = instaloader.Instaloader()
-USER = 'your_account'
+USER = "your_account"
-# Your preferred way of logging in:
+# Load session previously saved with `instaloader -l USERNAME`:
 profile = instaloader.Profile.from_username(L.context, PROFILE)
 likes = set()
-print('Fetching likes of all posts of profile {}.'.format(profile.username))
+print("Fetching likes of all posts of profile {}.".format(profile.username))
 for post in profile.get_posts():
     likes = likes | set(post.get_likes())
-print('Fetching followers of profile {}.'.format(profile.username))
+print("Fetching followers of profile {}.".format(profile.username))
 followers = set(profile.get_followers())
 ghosts = followers - likes
-print('Storing ghosts into file.')
-with open('/YOUR PATH/inactive-users.txt', 'w') as f:
+print("Storing ghosts into file.")
+with open("inactive-users.txt", 'w') as f:
     for ghost in ghosts:
         print(ghost.username, file=f)
diff --git a/docs/codesnippets/666_historical_hashtag_data.py b/docs/codesnippets/666_historical_hashtag_data.py
index 8889937..8b9f0fe 100644
--- a/docs/codesnippets/666_historical_hashtag_data.py
+++ b/docs/codesnippets/666_historical_hashtag_data.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ SINCE = datetime(2020, 5, 10)  # further from today, inclusive
 UNTIL = datetime(2020, 5, 11)  # closer to today, not inclusive
 k = 0  # initiate k
-k_list = []  # uncomment this to tune k
+#k_list = []  # uncomment this to tune k
 for post in posts:
     postdate = post.date
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ for post in posts:
         L.download_post(post, "#urbanphotography")
-        k = 0  # set k to 0
         # if you want to tune k, uncomment below to get your k max
+        k = 0  # set k to 0
diff --git a/docs/installation.rst b/docs/installation.rst
index f7e7433..d27f268 100644
--- a/docs/installation.rst
+++ b/docs/installation.rst
@@ -5,27 +5,27 @@ Install Instaloader
 .. highlight:: none
-**To install Instaloader**,
+To **install Instaloader**,
 #. Ensure that you have `Python <https://www.python.org/>`__, at least
-   version 3.5 and `pip <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip>`__
-   installed
+   version 3.5, and `pip <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip>`__
+   installed.
 #. Then, install Instaloader using::
       pip3 install instaloader
-**To upgrade Instaloader**, do::
+To **upgrade Instaloader** to its current version, do::
    pip3 install --upgrade instaloader
-**Alternative methods for installing Instaloader:**
+**Alternative methods** for installing Instaloader:
 - If you do not want to use pip, even though it is highly recommended,
   and prefer to **install Instaloader manually**,
   `Download the Source <https://github.com/instaloader/instaloader/releases/latest>`__,
-  extract the Zip or Tarball and execute ``instaloader.py`` from there.
+  extract the Zip or Tarball and run ``setup.py`` from there.
 - On **Arch Linux**, you may install Instaloader using the
   `Instaloader AUR package <https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/instaloader/>`__.
@@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ Install Instaloader
 - On **Windows 10**, you may download the standalone executable from the
   `current release page <https://github.com/instaloader/instaloader/releases/latest>`__.
-- To test the most current pre-release or development version of Instaloader::
+- To test the most current **pre-release** version of Instaloader::
      pip3 install --pre instaloader
diff --git a/docs/troubleshooting.rst b/docs/troubleshooting.rst
index c4413a0..861e5ca 100644
--- a/docs/troubleshooting.rst
+++ b/docs/troubleshooting.rst
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ Troubleshooting
 .. highlight:: python
-429 - Too Many Requests
+429 Too Many Requests
 Instaloader has a logic to keep track of its requests to Instagram and to obey
 their rate limits. Since they are nowhere documented, we try them out
@@ -14,17 +14,17 @@ experimentally. We have a daily cron job running to confirm that Instaloader
 still stays within the rate limits. Nevertheless, the rate control logic assumes
-- at one time, Instaloader is the only application that consumes requests. I.e.
+- at one time, Instaloader is the only application that consumes requests, i.e.
   neither the Instagram browser interface, nor a mobile app, nor another
-  Instaloader instance is running in parallel,
+  Instaloader instance is running in parallel, and
 - no requests had been consumed when Instaloader starts.
 The latter one implies that restarting or reinstantiating Instaloader often
-within short time is prone to cause a 429. When a request is denied with a 429,
+within short time is prone to cause a 429. If a request is denied with a 429,
 Instaloader retries the request as soon as the temporary ban is assumed to be
 expired. In case the retry continuously fails for some reason, which should not
-happen in normal conditions, consider adjusting the
+happen under normal conditions, consider adjusting the
 :option:`--max-connection-attempts` option.
 There have been observations that services, that in their nature offer
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Private but not followed
 You have to follow a private account to access most of its associated
-Login Error
+Login error
 Instaloader's login *should* work fine, both with and without
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ issued when Instagram suspects authentication activity on your account, by
 pointing the user to an URL to be opened in a browser.
 Nevertheless, in :issue:`92` and :issue:`615` users reported problems with
-logging in. We recommend to always keep the sessionfile which Instaloader
-creates when using :option:`--login`. If a sessionfile is present,
+logging in. We recommend to always keep the session file which Instaloader
+creates when using :option:`--login`. If a session file is present,
 :option:`--login` does not make make use of the failure-prone login procedure.
 Also, session files usually do not expire and can be copied between different
 computers without any problems.
-If you do not have a sessionfile present, you may use the following script
+If you do not have a session file present, you may use the following script
 (:example:`615_import_firefox_session.py`) to workaround login problems by
 importing the session cookies from Firefox and bypassing Instaloader's login and
 so still use Instaloader's logged-in functionality.
@@ -80,5 +80,5 @@ To use this script,
 This script also supports specifying a cookie file path, which may be useful if
 you use multiple Firefox profiles or if your operating system has the directory
-structure differently set up. Also, you can specify an alternative sessionfile
+structure differently set up. Also, you can specify an alternative session file