diff --git a/docs/basic-usage.rst b/docs/basic-usage.rst
index 5933522..057eb88 100644
--- a/docs/basic-usage.rst
+++ b/docs/basic-usage.rst
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ invoke it with
     instaloader --login=your_username profile [profile ...]
 When logging in, Instaloader **stores the session cookies** in a file in your
-temporary directory, which will be reused later the next time :option:`--login`
+home directory, which will be reused later the next time :option:`--login`
 is given.  So you can download private profiles **non-interactively** when you
 already have a valid session cookie file.
@@ -291,17 +291,18 @@ Instaloader as Cronjob
 Instaloader is suitable for running as a cronjob to periodically update your
 personal Instagram archive. The :option:`--quiet` option disables user
 interactions and logging of non-error messages. To non-interactively use
-Instaloader logged-in, create a session file, e.g. in your home directory::
+Instaloader logged-in, create a session file::
-   instaloader --login=your_username --sessionfile=~/.instaloader-session
+   instaloader --login=your_username
-Then use the same parameters in your cronjob to load the session and download
+Then use the same parameter in your cronjob to load the session and download
 the given targets::
-   instaloader --login=your_username --sessionfile=~/.instaloader-session --quiet <target> [...]
+   instaloader --login=your_username --quiet <target> [...]
-Without :option:`--sessionfile` option, Instaloader saves the session file in
-a path within your temporary directory.
+Instaloader saves the session file to
+``~/.config/instaloader/session-YOUR-USERNAME``. See
+:option:`--sessionfile` option for how to override this path.
 Programming Instaloader
diff --git a/docs/cli-options.rst b/docs/cli-options.rst
index dac3568..8f3f3ec 100644
--- a/docs/cli-options.rst
+++ b/docs/cli-options.rst
@@ -193,9 +193,8 @@ Instaloader to login.
 .. option:: --sessionfile SESSIONFILE, -f SESSIONFILE
-   Path for loading and storing session key file.  Defaults to a path within
-   your temporary directory, encoding your local username and your Instagram
-   profile name.
+   Path for loading and storing session key file.  Defaults to
+   ``~/.config/instaloader/session-YOUR-USERNAME``.
 .. option:: --password YOUR-PASSWORD, -p YOUR-PASSWORD
diff --git a/instaloader/instaloader.py b/instaloader/instaloader.py
index 1ef41a3..56ea4e1 100644
--- a/instaloader/instaloader.py
+++ b/instaloader/instaloader.py
@@ -27,6 +27,20 @@ from .structures import (Hashtag, Highlight, JsonExportable, Post, PostLocation,
 def get_default_session_filename(username: str) -> str:
     """Returns default session filename for given username."""
+    sessionfilename = "session-{}".format(username)
+    if platform.system() == "Windows":
+        # on Windows, use %LOCALAPPDATA%\Instaloader\session-USERNAME
+        localappdata = os.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA")
+        if localappdata is not None:
+            return os.path.join(localappdata, "Instaloader", sessionfilename)
+        # legacy fallback - store in temp dir if %LOCALAPPDATA% is not set
+        return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), ".instaloader-" + getpass.getuser(), sessionfilename)
+    # on Unix, use ~/.config/instaloader/session-USERNAME
+    return os.path.join(os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", os.path.expanduser("~/.config")), "instaloader", sessionfilename)
+def get_legacy_session_filename(username: str) -> str:
+    """Returns legacy (until v4.4.3) default session filename for given username."""
     dirname = tempfile.gettempdir() + "/" + ".instaloader-" + getpass.getuser()
     filename = dirname + "/" + "session-" + username
     return filename.lower()
@@ -441,6 +455,8 @@ class Instaloader:
         if filename is None:
             filename = get_default_session_filename(username)
+            if not os.path.exists(filename):
+                filename = get_legacy_session_filename(username)
         with open(filename, 'rb') as sessionfile:
             self.context.load_session_from_file(username, sessionfile)
             self.context.log("Loaded session from %s." % filename)