Instagram Structures ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. module:: instaloader :noindex: .. highlight:: python .. contents:: :backlinks: none Posts """"" .. autoclass:: Post :no-show-inheritance: Additionally, the following trivial structures are defined: .. autoclass:: PostSidecarNode :no-show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: PostComment :no-show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: PostCommentAnswer :no-show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: PostLocation :no-show-inheritance: User Stories """""""""""" .. autoclass:: Story :no-show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: StoryItem :no-show-inheritance: Highlights """""""""" .. autoclass:: Highlight :no-show-inheritance: :inherited-members: Bases: :class:`Story` .. versionadded:: 4.1 Profiles """""""" .. autoclass:: Profile :no-show-inheritance: Hashtags """""""" .. autoclass:: Hashtag :no-show-inheritance: .. versionadded:: 4.4 TopSearchResults """""""""""""""" .. autoclass:: TopSearchResults :no-show-inheritance: .. versionadded:: 4.3 Loading and Saving """""""""""""""""" :class:`Post`, :class:`StoryItem`, :class:`Profile`, :class:`Hashtag` and :class:`FrozenNodeIterator` can be saved and loaded to/from JSON files. .. autofunction:: load_structure .. autofunction:: load_structure_from_file .. autofunction:: get_json_structure .. autofunction:: save_structure_to_file