.. _install:

Install Instaloader

.. highlight:: none

**To install Instaloader**,

#. Ensure that you have `Python <https://www.python.org/>`__, at least
   version 3.5 and `pip <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip>`__

#. Then, install Instaloader using::

      pip3 install instaloader

**To upgrade Instaloader**, do::

   pip3 install --upgrade instaloader

**Alternative methods for installing Instaloader:**

- If you do not want to use pip, even though it is highly recommended,
  and prefer to **install Instaloader manually**,
  `Download the Source <https://github.com/instaloader/instaloader/releases/latest>`__,
  extract the Zip or Tarball and execute ``instaloader.py`` from there.

- On **Arch Linux**, you may install Instaloader using the
  `Instaloader AUR package <https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/instaloader/>`__.

- On **Windows 10**, you may download the standalone executable from the
  `current release page <https://github.com/instaloader/instaloader/releases/latest>`__.

- To get the most current version of Instaloader from our
  `Git repository <https://github.com/instaloader/instaloader>`__::

     pip3 install --upgrade git+https://github.com/instaloader/instaloader