Выгружалка всех картинок из своего Instagramm (или из чужого, но публичного)
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.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/instaloader/instaloader/master/docs/logo_heading.png .. badges-start |pypi| |pyversion| |license| |aur| |contributors| |downloads| .. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/instaloader.svg :alt: Instaloader PyPI Project Page :target: https://pypi.org/project/instaloader/ .. |license| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/license/instaloader/instaloader.svg :alt: MIT License :target: https://github.com/instaloader/instaloader/blob/master/LICENSE .. |pyversion| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/instaloader.svg :alt: Supported Python Versions .. |contributors| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/instaloader/instaloader.svg :alt: Contributor Count :target: https://github.com/instaloader/instaloader/graphs/contributors .. |aur| image:: https://img.shields.io/aur/version/instaloader.svg :alt: Arch User Repository Package :target: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/instaloader/ .. |downloads| image:: https://pepy.tech/badge/instaloader/month :alt: PyPI Download Count :target: https://pepy.tech/project/instaloader .. badges-end :: $ pip3 install instaloader $ instaloader profile [profile ...] **Instaloader** - downloads **public and private profiles, hashtags, user stories, feeds and saved media**, - downloads **comments, geotags and captions** of each post, - automatically **detects profile name changes** and renames the target directory accordingly, - allows **fine-grained customization** of filters and where to store downloaded media, - automatically **resumes previously-interrupted** download iterations. :: instaloader [--comments] [--geotags] [--stories] [--highlights] [--tagged] [--igtv] [--login YOUR-USERNAME] [--fast-update] profile | "#hashtag" | :stories | :feed | :saved `Instaloader Documentation <https://instaloader.github.io/>`__ How to Automatically Download Pictures from Instagram ----------------------------------------------------- To **download all pictures and videos of a profile**, as well as the **profile picture**, do :: instaloader profile [profile ...] where ``profile`` is the name of a profile you want to download. Instead of only one profile, you may also specify a list of profiles. To later **update your local copy** of that profiles, you may run :: instaloader --fast-update profile [profile ...] If ``--fast-update`` is given, Instaloader stops when arriving at the first already-downloaded picture. Alternatively, you can use ``--latest-stamps`` to have Instaloader store the time each profile was last downloaded and only download newer media: :: instaloader --latest-stamps -- profile [profile ...] With this option it's possible to move or delete downloaded media and still keep the archive updated. When updating profiles, Instaloader automatically **detects profile name changes** and renames the target directory accordingly. Instaloader can also be used to **download private profiles**. To do so, invoke it with :: instaloader --login=your_username profile [profile ...] When logging in, Instaloader **stores the session cookies** in a file in your temporary directory, which will be reused later the next time ``--login`` is given. So you can download private profiles **non-interactively** when you already have a valid session cookie file. `Instaloader Documentation <https://instaloader.github.io/basic-usage.html>`__ Contributing ------------ As an open source project, Instaloader heavily depends on the contributions from its community. See `contributing <https://instaloader.github.io/contributing.html>`__ for how you may help Instaloader to become an even greater tool. Supporters ---------- .. current-sponsors-start | Instaloader is proudly sponsored by | `@rocketapi-io <https://github.com/rocketapi-io>`__ | `@socialmethod <https://github.com/socialmethod>`__ See `Alex' GitHub Sponsors <https://github.com/sponsors/aandergr>`__ page for how you can sponsor the development of Instaloader! .. current-sponsors-end It is a pleasure for us to share our Instaloader to the world, and we are proud to have attracted such an active and motivating community, with so many users who share their suggestions and ideas with us. Buying a community-sponsored beer or coffee from time to time is very likely to further raise our passion for the development of Instaloader. | For Donations, we provide GitHub Sponsors page, a PayPal.Me link and a Bitcoin address. | GitHub Sponsors: `Sponsor @aandergr on GitHub Sponsors <https://github.com/sponsors/aandergr>`__ | PayPal: `PayPal.me/aandergr <https://www.paypal.me/aandergr>`__ | BTC: 1Nst4LoadeYzrKjJ1DX9CpbLXBYE9RKLwY Disclaimer ---------- .. disclaimer-start Instaloader is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained or endorsed by Instagram or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. This is an independent and unofficial project. Use at your own risk. Instaloader is licensed under an MIT license. Refer to ``LICENSE`` file for more information. .. disclaimer-end