graphql_query() method for GraphQL queries

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Graf 2017-07-24 12:08:08 +02:00
parent d614d9f015
commit 5068c9453e

View File

@ -180,34 +180,49 @@ class Instaloader:
return session
def graphql_query(self, query_id: int, variables: Dict[str, Any],
referer: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Do a GraphQL Query.
:param query_id: Query ID.
:param variables: Variables for the Query.
:param referer: HTTP Referer, or None.
:return: The server's response dictionary.
tmpsession = copy_session(self.session)
del tmpsession.headers['Connection']
del tmpsession.headers['Content-Length']
tmpsession.headers['authority'] = ''
tmpsession.headers['scheme'] = 'https'
tmpsession.headers['accept'] = '*/*'
if referer is not None:
tmpsession.headers['referer'] = referer
response = tmpsession.get('',
params={'query_id': query_id,
'variables': json.dumps(variables, separators=(',', ':'))})
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ConnectionException("GraphQL query returned HTTP error code {}.".format(response.status_code))
return response.json()
def get_username_by_id(self, profile_id: int) -> str:
"""To get the current username of a profile, given its unique ID, this function can be used."""
tmpsession = copy_session(self.session)
del tmpsession.headers['Referer']
del tmpsession.headers['X-Instagram-AJAX']
resp = tmpsession.get('',
params={'query_id': '17862015703145017',
'variables': '{"id":"' + str(profile_id) + '","first":1}'})
if resp.status_code == 200:
data = json.loads(resp.text)["data"]["user"]
if data:
data = data["edge_owner_to_timeline_media"]
raise ProfileNotExistsException("No profile found, the user may have blocked you (ID: " +
str(profile_id) + ").")
if not data['edges']:
if data['count'] == 0:
raise ProfileHasNoPicsException("Profile with ID {0}: no pics found.".format(str(profile_id)))
raise LoginRequiredException("Login required to determine username (ID: " + str(profile_id) + ").")
shortcode = mediaid_to_shortcode(int(data['edges'][0]["node"]["id"]))
data = self.get_json("p/" + shortcode)
return data['entry_data']['PostPage'][0]['graphql']['shortcode_media']['owner']['username']
data = self.graphql_query(17862015703145017, {'id': str(profile_id), 'first': 1})['data']['user']
if data:
data = data["edge_owner_to_timeline_media"]
raise ProfileAccessDeniedException("Username could not be determined due to error {0} (ID: {1})."
.format(str(resp.status_code), str(profile_id)))
raise ProfileNotExistsException("No profile found, the user may have blocked you (ID: " +
str(profile_id) + ").")
if not data['edges']:
if data['count'] == 0:
raise ProfileHasNoPicsException("Profile with ID {0}: no pics found.".format(str(profile_id)))
raise LoginRequiredException("Login required to determine username (ID: " + str(profile_id) + ").")
shortcode = mediaid_to_shortcode(int(data['edges'][0]["node"]["id"]))
data = self.get_json("p/" + shortcode)
return data['entry_data']['PostPage'][0]['graphql']['shortcode_media']['owner']['username']
def get_id_by_username(self, profile: str) -> int:
"""Each Instagram profile has its own unique ID which stays unmodified even if a user changes
@ -226,36 +241,22 @@ class Instaloader:
:param profile: Name of profile to lookup followers.
:return: List of followers (list of dictionaries).
tmpsession = copy_session(self.session)
header = self.default_http_header(empty_session_only=True)
del header['Connection']
del header['Content-Length']
header['authority'] = ''
header['scheme'] = 'https'
header['accept'] = '*/*'
header['referer'] = '' + profile + '/'
tmpsession.headers = header
profile_id = self.get_id_by_username(profile)
resp = tmpsession.get('',
params={'query_id': 17851374694183129,
'variables': '{"id":"' + str(profile_id) + '","first":500}'})
if resp.status_code == 200:
data = resp.json()
followers = []
while True:
edge_followed_by = data['data']['user']['edge_followed_by']
followers.extend([follower['node'] for follower in edge_followed_by['edges']])
page_info = edge_followed_by['page_info']
if page_info['has_next_page']:
resp = tmpsession.get('',
params={'query_id': 17851374694183129,
'variables': '{"id":"' + str(profile_id) + '","first":500,"after":"' +
page_info['end_cursor'] + '"}'})
data = resp.json()
raise ConnectionException("ConnectionError({0}): unable to gather followers.".format(resp.status_code))
data = self.graphql_query(17851374694183129, {'id': str(profile_id),
'first': 500},
referer='' + profile + '/')
followers = []
while True:
edge_followed_by = data['data']['user']['edge_followed_by']
followers.extend([follower['node'] for follower in edge_followed_by['edges']])
page_info = edge_followed_by['page_info']
if page_info['has_next_page']:
data = self.graphql_query(17851374694183129, {'id': str(profile_id),
'first': 500,
'after': page_info['end_cursor']},
referer='' + profile + '/')
return followers
def get_followees(self, profile: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
@ -267,68 +268,41 @@ class Instaloader:
:param profile: Name of profile to lookup followers.
:return: List of followees (list of dictionaries).
tmpsession = copy_session(self.session)
header = self.default_http_header(empty_session_only=True)
del header['Connection']
del header['Content-Length']
header['authority'] = ''
header['scheme'] = 'https'
header['accept'] = '*/*'
header['referer'] = '' + profile + '/'
tmpsession.headers = header
profile_id = self.get_id_by_username(profile)
resp = tmpsession.get('',
params={'query_id': 17874545323001329,
'variables': '{"id":"' + str(profile_id) + '","first":500}'})
if resp.status_code == 200:
data = resp.json()
followees = []
while True:
edge_follow = data['data']['user']['edge_follow']
followees.extend([followee['node'] for followee in edge_follow['edges']])
page_info = edge_follow['page_info']
if page_info['has_next_page']:
resp = tmpsession.get('',
params={'query_id': 17874545323001329,
'variables': '{"id":"' + str(profile_id) + '","first":500,"after":"' +
page_info['end_cursor'] + '"}'})
data = resp.json()
raise ConnectionException("ConnectionError({0}): unable to gather followees.".format(resp.status_code))
data = self.graphql_query(17874545323001329, {'id': profile_id,
'first': 500},
referer='' + profile + '/')
followees = []
while True:
edge_follow = data['data']['user']['edge_follow']
followees.extend([followee['node'] for followee in edge_follow['edges']])
page_info = edge_follow['page_info']
if page_info['has_next_page']:
data = self.graphql_query(17874545323001329, {'id': profile_id,
'first': 500,
'after': page_info['end_cursor']},
referer='' + profile + '/')
return followees
def get_comments(self, shortcode: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
tmpsession = copy_session(self.session)
header = self.default_http_header(empty_session_only=True)
del header['Connection']
del header['Content-Length']
header['authority'] = ''
header['scheme'] = 'https'
header['accept'] = '*/*'
header['referer'] = '' + shortcode + '/'
tmpsession.headers = header
resp = tmpsession.get('',
params={'query_id': 17852405266163336,
'variables': '{"shortcode":"' + shortcode + '","first":500}'})
if resp.status_code == 200:
data = resp.json()
comments = []
while True:
edge_media_to_comment = data['data']['shortcode_media']['edge_media_to_comment']
comments.extend([comment['node'] for comment in edge_media_to_comment['edges']])
page_info = edge_media_to_comment['page_info']
if page_info['has_next_page']:
resp = tmpsession.get('',
params={'query_id': 17852405266163336,
'variables': '{"shortcode":"' + shortcode + '","first":500,"after":"'
+ page_info['end_cursor'] + '"}'})
data = resp.json()
raise ConnectionException("ConnectionError({0}): unable to gather comments.".format(resp.status_code))
"""Retrieve comments of node with given shortcode."""
data = self.graphql_query(17852405266163336, {'shortcode': shortcode,
'first': 500},
referer='' + shortcode + '/')
comments = []
while True:
edge_media_to_comment = data['data']['shortcode_media']['edge_media_to_comment']
comments.extend([comment['node'] for comment in edge_media_to_comment['edges']])
page_info = edge_media_to_comment['page_info']
if page_info['has_next_page']:
data = self.graphql_query(17852405266163336, {'shortcode': shortcode,
'first': 500,
'after': page_info['end_cursor']},
referer='' + shortcode + '/')
return comments
def download_pic(self, name: str, url: str, date_epoch: float, outputlabel: Optional[str] = None,