Retry download anonymously if profile not exists

In case you are blocked by a public profile which you intend to
download, the server responds as if the profile would not exist. Now in
this case, we retry the download without using an anonymous session.
This commit is contained in:
Alexander Graf 2017-03-19 12:52:07 +01:00
parent 23a0e32e8e
commit d246268630

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@ -670,8 +670,16 @@ def download_profiles(profilelist: List[str], username: Optional[str] = None, pa
# Iterate through targets list and download them
for target in targets:
download(target, session, profile_pic_only, download_videos,
geotags, fast_update, shorter_output, sleep, quiet)
download(target, session, profile_pic_only, download_videos,
geotags, fast_update, shorter_output, sleep, quiet)
except ProfileNotExistsException as err:
if username is not None:
_log("\"Profile not exists\" - Trying again anonymously, helps in case you are just blocked")
download(target, get_anonymous_session(), profile_pic_only, download_videos,
geotags, fast_update, shorter_output, sleep, quiet)
raise err
except NonfatalException as err:
print(err, file=sys.stderr)