This is related to bug #69.
Filenames containing the old date encoding without UTC are now
recognized when using the `--fast-update` switch.
Also non-picture files using the old date encoding should now be
recognized even when not using the `--fast-update` switch, excluding
geotags and the post metadata JSON files. The files containing comments
get renamed to the new format when touched. Caption files are only
renamed, if they get updated. Stored picture files do not get renamed at
This adresses bug #69.
All fields in the filename pattern that should be replaced by a date
encoding string (excluding {post.date_local}) are now evaluated using
UTC while ensuring that the replacing string indicates the use of UTC.
{date_utc} encodes the post creation date in UTC rather than the
current local timezone, as {date} does.
This was proposed in #69. Encoding the post creation date in
local time zone induces problems regarding --fast-update when the
time zone is changed.
The introductionary sections of as-module and cli-options have been
rewritten. Further, Instaloader's short-description is now included in
the sidebar.
- Added owner_id and mediaid to Post class properties.
- In case of not downloading stories, the attributes of the Post class
can now be used in filename-pattern, e.g. {post.owner_id} or {post.mediaid}.
- If when retrying a failed connection ^C is hit, the retrying is
- Option --max-connection-attempts to override default of how many
connection attempts should be made.
With --metadata-json, a JSON file for each post is created saving the
Post properties defined in instaloader.Post class, i.e. caption, number
of likes, people tagged in caption or the picture itself, etc.
This closes#33 and closes#47.
caption_mentions is a list of all lowercased profiles that are mentioned
in the Post's caption, without preceeding '@'.
tagged_users is a list of all lowercased users that are tagged in the
Post. This was requested in #47.
Just like all properties of instaloader.Post class, caption_mentions and
tagged_users are available for --only-if filters.
caption_hashtags is a list of all hashtags that are mentioned in the
Post's caption. It allows to easily filter Posts that have multiple
hashtags, and as such fixes#24.
Further, the documentation of --only-if has been completed by linking to
a description of the syntax in the Python documentation, and by linking
to a list of all defined properties with their meanings. So, this commit
also closes#42.
I've come across several implausible values for `device_timestamp` (such as 182428140, which would be in october 1975, assuming millisecond). I guess it is due to improperly configured phones, or maybe some third party software that's mangeling the EXIF data on images before posting. Anyway. Since by the nature of stories, the `taken_at` timestamp (presumably when the instagram servers received the post) ought to be approximately when an image was actually taken. So there's no real value trying to use the timestamp provided by the photo-taking-device.
Additional sleeps are necessary because Instagram is rate limiting
GraphQL queries. The error does not occur if not more than 100 queries
are made in a sliding window of eleven minutes.
Ports a894c2d to version 3.