- Keep documentation in sync with master branch
- Run PyLint and MyPy on Github Actions
- Update Issue templates, enforce usage of issue templates, add links to
resources in Instaloader Documentation
- Update contributing.rst
Before, the documentation was pushed to GitHub Pages whenever a new commit has been pushed to master. I.e., when a new feature was added, the documentation advertised the feature although hasn’t been released yet.
Now, we only deploy the newly-build the documentation when a new tag is pushed, and ensure the the versionadded directives are added before releasing.
Further, document all attributes that are referred to, and ensure that there
will be no broken references again by letting Travis call Sphinx with -W -n.
Instaloader downloads all posts in
<DIRNAME>/<FILENAME>+(suffix and extension)
which are now generated by the templates given with --dirname-pattern
and --filename-pattern. These templates may contain specifiers such as
'{target}', '{profile}', '{date}' and '{shortcode}'.
Default for --dirname-pattern is '{target}', default for
--filename-pattern is '{date:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}'
The former options --no-profile-subdir and --hashtag-username were
removed, because their behavior can now be achieved like this:
--no-profile-subdir and --hashtag-username:
--dirname-pattern='.' --filename-pattern='{profile}__{date:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}'
--no-profile-subdir, but not --hashtag-username:
--dirname-pattern='.' --filename-pattern='{target}__{date:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}'
--hashtag-username but not --no-profile-subdir:
This adds the option proposed in #23, to encode both the hashtag and the
profile name in the file's path when downloading by hashtag, e.g.:
--dirname-pattern='{target}' --filename-pattern='{profile}_{date:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}'
- State in README.rst and setup.py metainfo that we require Python>=3.5
- Let Travis-CI test against newer versions of Python
- Let instaloader --help show where to report issues
With --quiet activated, user interaction is disabled, i.e. no messages
are printed (except errors) and if login credentials are needed but not
given, instaloader fails.
We used to say in the project description text that we need Python>=3.2,
but I just noted that we use print() flush parameter, which was
introduced with python 3.3. Pylint would have warned that our code would
fail with Python 3.2.