Now, does not assume to be called from the path where the
source tree resides. This fixes getting the long_description and the
version if is called from outside.
These options instruct instaloader to not save captions or geotags
respectively, even if the regarding information can be obtained without
any additional queries to Instagram.
This feature was proposed in #25, and thus this commit should close#25.
Get rid of NonfatalException (an exception is nonfatal iff it is
catched somewhere)
Foreport fixes for #26 and #30.
The current __sersion__ string is now kept in rather than This lets instaloader.__version__ always deliver the version
of the actually-loaded Instaloader module.
Minor changes to README.rst, error handling and which class methods are
With these and the changes of the previous commit, we saved 31 lines of
code, indicating that it might be easier to understand and to maintain.
Remove many code duplications, merely by using more pythonic idioms.
Use GraphQL more often.
Better cope with errors: All requests can be retried; failed requests do
not cause program termination; all error strings are repeated to the
user at the end of execution.
download_post() (formerly download_node()) does not repeat node metadata
request (before this commit, this request was executed up to three
In case a node can not be downloaded or its metadata is needed and can
not be retrieved, a NodeUnavailableException is raised and the according
node will be skipped.
Concerns #26
download_stories() did and does not check if a story is "unseen". The
response to the query of the '/feed/reels_tray/' URL provides all
available stories of the user's followees. Nevertheless, some of them do
not contain an 'items' field which has no causal relationship with their
status in terms of "seen" or "unseen". Therefore, to overcome this lack
of 'items' the 'feed/user/TARGET_USERID/reel_media/' URL needs to be
queried for each relevant followee whose 'items' were not provided in
the first place.
Unless --no-sleep is given, Instaloader waits between requests to the
Instagram servers.
This commit fixes and enhances this behavior. Now, --no-sleep is always
obeyed. Between requests to the servers, there is now a
delay of 250 ms ~ 2000 ms. Requests to the file servers do not cause a
Instaloader downloads all posts in
<DIRNAME>/<FILENAME>+(suffix and extension)
which are now generated by the templates given with --dirname-pattern
and --filename-pattern. These templates may contain specifiers such as
'{target}', '{profile}', '{date}' and '{shortcode}'.
Default for --dirname-pattern is '{target}', default for
--filename-pattern is '{date:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}'
The former options --no-profile-subdir and --hashtag-username were
removed, because their behavior can now be achieved like this:
--no-profile-subdir and --hashtag-username:
--dirname-pattern='.' --filename-pattern='{profile}__{date:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}'
--no-profile-subdir, but not --hashtag-username:
--dirname-pattern='.' --filename-pattern='{target}__{date:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}'
--hashtag-username but not --no-profile-subdir:
This adds the option proposed in #23, to encode both the hashtag and the
profile name in the file's path when downloading by hashtag, e.g.:
--dirname-pattern='{target}' --filename-pattern='{profile}_{date:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}'
On module level:
Cleaner exception handling for load_session_from file
interactive_login logs in interactively now, always asking the user for
password. Before, it had an optional password parameter determining
whether it was interactive or not.
On application level:
Warn if profile specifiers are used which require login, but not --login
flag was given (@profile, :feed-all, :feed-liked).
Clearly warn that --password is insecure.